Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A New Way to Play

Back in 1985, long before the internet, when I began to learn to play the mountain dulcimer, I realized that the Dulcimer Players News was an invaluable source of dulcimer-related information.  There are very few back issues that I do not have, some of the first issues in the mid-70's being simple stapled-together mimeographed sheets.  To this day, the arrival of the latest issue via 1st class snail mail is a quarterly delight.  But enough of this.  The arrival of the Summer, 2010 issue (Volume 36, Number 3) of the Dulcimer Players News opened up, at least for me, a whole new way to tune and play the dulcimer. Within that issue of DPN, in an article entitled "1-3-5: A New Voice For Your Dulcimer", Merv Rowley explained what this was all about.  You can read Rowley's article by clicking "Expand" and then "mousing" over to "10-11" and "12-13" of the on-line display AFTER clicking  here .  This allows you to see pages 8 through 10 of the original DPN article.  Pretty interesting reading and included is the tab for the familiar tune "Take Me Out to the Ball Game".  There's lots more on-line information about this "new way to play" at  1-3-5 .  And now, at last, I have time to really concentrate on this approach to the dulcimer.  As I learn "hands on" more about it, I'll "share" my thoughts here within the blog.  Later . . .

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